This page displays the list of games played during the 2013-2014 NBA regular season and demonstrates such software features as charts, embedded videos, data partitioning, custom filters, auto hidden columns, user-defined templates, and more. It should (as well as all other pages) look good on any device with a screen with 480+ pixels of width (if you are on a desktop, reduce the size of the browser window to be sure).

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Team Score Score Team
Houston RocketsHouston Rockets 113 99 Los Angeles LakersLos Angeles Lakers
Los Angeles ClippersLos Angeles Clippers 111 105 Boston CelticsBoston Celtics
Minnesota TimberwolvesMinnesota Timberwolves 103 104 Phoenix SunsPhoenix Suns
New Orleans PelicansNew Orleans Pelicans 96 102 Washington WizardsWashington Wizards
Portland Trail BlazersPortland Trail Blazers 110 94 Orlando MagicOrlando Magic
San Antonio SpursSan Antonio Spurs 112 90 Dallas MavericksDallas Mavericks
Toronto RaptorsToronto Raptors 112 91 Detroit PistonsDetroit Pistons
Denver NuggetsDenver Nuggets 101 88 Oklahoma City ThunderOklahoma City Thunder
New York KnicksNew York Knicks 102 92 Miami HeatMiami Heat
Atlanta HawksAtlanta Hawks 83 80 Houston RocketsHouston Rockets