You can embed any page produced by PHP Generator into a page at your website using an inline frame (iframe) element. In the example below we embedded a generated page into the Bootstrap Starter Template.

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Actions Code Name Population
LVA Latvia 2,424,200
LSO Lesotho 2,153,000
BTN Bhutan 2,124,000
MKD Macedonia 2,024,000
SVN Slovenia 1,987,800
KWT Kuwait 1,972,000
NAM Namibia 1,726,000
BWA Botswana 1,622,000
EST Estonia 1,439,200
GMB Gambia 1,305,000
TTO Trinidad and Tobago 1,295,000
GAB Gabon 1,226,000
GNB Guinea-Bissau 1,213,000
MUS Mauritius 1,158,000
SWZ Swaziland 1,008,000
TMP East Timor 885,000
GUY Guyana 861,000
FJI Fiji Islands 817,000
CYP Cyprus 754,700
REU RĂ©union 699,000