
Id Continent
3 North America

Code Name SurfaceArea IndepYear Population LifeExpectancy
JAM Jamaica 10,990.00 1962 2,583,000 75.20
MTQ Martinique 1,102.00 NULL 395,000 78.30
MEX Mexico 1,958,201.00 1810 98,881,000 71.50
MSR Montserrat 102.00 NULL 11,000 78.00
ANT Netherlands Antilles 800.00 NULL 217,000 74.70
NIC Nicaragua 130,000.00 1838 5,074,000 68.70
PAN Panama 75,517.00 1903 2,856,000 75.50
PRI Puerto Rico 8,875.00 NULL 3,869,000 75.60
KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis 261.00 1983 38,000 70.70
LCA Saint Lucia 622.00 1979 154,000 72.30
SPM Saint Pierre and Miquelon 242.00 NULL 7,000 77.60
VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 388.00 1979 114,000 72.30
TTO Trinidad and Tobago 5,130.00 1962 1,295,000 68.00
TCA Turks and Caicos Islands 430.00 NULL 17,000 73.30
USA United States 9,363,520.00 1776 278,357,000 77.10
VGB Virgin Islands, British 151.00 NULL 21,000 75.40
VIR Virgin Islands, U.S. 347.00 NULL 93,000 78.10