Starred in "Ex Machina"

Id Title Original Title Overview Tagline Runtime Release Date Rating Poster Trailer Original Language
264,660 Ex Machina Ex Machina Caleb, a 26 year old coder at the world's largest internet company, wins a competition to spend a week at a private mountain retreat belonging to Nathan, the reclusive CEO of the company. But when Caleb arrives at the remote location he finds that he will have to participate in a strange and fascinating experiment in which he must interact with the world's first true artificial intelligence, housed in the body of a beautiful robot girl. There is nothing more human than the will to survive 108 2015-01-21 7.60 English

Actor Character
Corey Johnson Jay
Oscar Isaac Nathan
Domhnall Gleeson Caleb
Alicia Vikander Ava
Symara A. Templeman Jasmine
Elina Alminas Amber
Sonoya Mizuno Kyoko
Claire Selby Lily
Gana Bayarsaikhan Jade
Tiffany Pisani Katya