
Each page is dedicated to a certain edit control provided by PHP Generator.


A single-line plain text edit control.


Provides suggestions while you type into the field.

Text Area

A multi-line plain text edit control.

HTML Wysiwyg

A powerful editor to add and edit HTML content without any coding knowledge.

Spin & Range

Allow users to edit numeric values with ease.

Upload To Folder

Use this editors to upload a file or an image to a specified folder.

Radio Group

Allows to select one of a limited number of choices.


A drop-down list for selecting among a set of options.

Dynamic Combobox

Use this editor for lookup columns when the lookup datasource has a large amount of records.

Cascading Combobox

Allows to select a value using multiple comboboxes.

Dynamic Cascading Combobox

Allows to select a value using multiple dynamic comboboxes.

Multiple Select

Allows to select multiple values from a drop-down list.

Checkbox Group

Allows to select multiple values from a set of checkboxes.

Common Properties

These properties are supported for all editors.