
Code Continent Name SurfaceArea Independence Year Population Life Expectancy GNP
ALB Europe Albania 28,748.00 1912 3,401,200 71.60 3,205.00
AND Europe Andorra 468.00 1278 78,000 83.50 1,630.00
AUT Europe Austria 83,859.00 1918 8,091,800 77.70 211,860.00
BLR Europe Belarus 207,600.00 1991 10,236,000 68.00 13,714.00
BEL Europe Belgium 30,518.00 1830 10,239,000 77.80 249,704.00
BIH Europe Bosnia and Herzegovina 51,197.00 1992 3,972,000 71.50 2,841.00
BGR Europe Bulgaria 110,994.00 1908 8,190,900 70.90 12,178.00
HRV Europe Croatia 56,538.00 1991 4,473,000 73.70 20,208.00
CZE Europe Czech Republic 78,866.00 1993 10,278,100 74.50 55,017.00
DNK Europe Denmark 43,094.00 800 5,330,000 76.50 174,099.00
EST Europe Estonia 45,227.00 1991 1,439,200 69.50 5,328.00
FRO Europe Faroe Islands 1,399.00 NULL 43,000 78.40 0.00
FIN Europe Finland 338,145.00 1917 5,171,300 77.40 121,914.00
FRA Europe France 551,500.00 843 59,225,700 78.80 1,424,285.00
DEU Europe Germany 357,022.00 1955 82,164,700 77.40 2,133,367.00
GIB Europe Gibraltar 6.00 NULL 25,000 79.00 258.00
GRC Europe Greece 131,626.00 1830 10,545,700 78.40 120,724.00
VAT Europe Holy See (Vatican City State) 0.40 1929 1,000 NULL 9.00
HUN Europe Hungary 93,030.00 1918 10,043,200 71.40 48,267.00
ISL Europe Iceland 103,000.00 1944 279,000 79.40 8,255.00