Data Input Forms.Wizard Form

Id 122,917
Title The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
Original Title The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
Overview Immediately after the events of The Desolation of Smaug, Bilbo and the dwarves try to defend Erebor's mountain of treasure from others who claim it: the men of the ruined Laketown and the elves of Mirkwood. Meanwhile an army of Orcs led by Azog the Defiler is marching on Erebor, fueled by the rise of the dark lord Sauron. Dwarves, elves and men must unite, and the hope for Middle-Earth falls into Bilbo's hands.
Tagline Witness the defining chapter of the Middle-Earth saga
Runtime 144
Release Date 2014-12-10
Rating 7.13
Poster external_data/movies/posters/the_hobbit_the_battle_of_the_five_armies_2014.jpg
Original Language English
Genre Adventure